Last year we started the process of procuring services regarding installing new solar panels at Svaaheia. Our commitment to quality and assuring that we always choose the right suppliers and partners in our activities made this a prolonged process.

Following careful consideration we chose to procure services from Vela Solaris during the planning process. The choice of planning partner became obvious once we were introduced to their advisors and the software Polysun, which allows for simulation-based planning and made it easy to tailor possible solutions to our specific needs. 

Digital fremstilling som visualiserer hvordan ferdig installerte solceller på det nye bygget vil se ut
3D visualization of the new solar panel installation. The 3D picture was made by Vela Solaris in 2022.

We chose to place the planned solar panels on top of the new building at Svaaheia. The construction of this building started earlier this year and the structure as well as most of the internal facilities were completed shortly before easter. 

At the beginning of last week, starting on the 27th of march, contractors from Oneco Elektro AS started the installation process of the new solar panels. 

The installation of solar panels on top of the new building at Svaaheia represents an important milestone in our mission to manage and further develop a sustainable business park.

Picture shows the partial installation of the solar panels
The foundation for the new solar panels were installed the week before easter 2023. The installation was done by Oneco Elektro AS.

The installation of the new solar panels were completed just in time for the easter break and as of Tuesday, the 4th of march, we are producing electricity from solar energy here at Svaaheia.

The new solar panel installation are made up of monocrystalline modules manufactured by Jolywood Solar Technology, covers 163.4 m2 and has a capacity of 34.04 kWp.

It is estimated that the new system will produce 27,710 kWh of electricity annually, with the majority of the electricity being produced in the period April-August. 

The new system produced 68.30 kWh during its first day of service and up till the point of writing, noon on April 5th, these solar panels have produced a total of 106.6 kWh.

Bilde viser ferdig installerte solceller på taket til vårt nye bygg
The new solar panels were installed just in time for easter and on the 4th of april the new panels started producing electricity.